Jesus’ Sacrificial Love: A Reflection on His Final Moments on the Cross

The scene Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” And… Continue reading Jesus’ Sacrificial Love: A Reflection on His Final Moments on the Cross

Wealth of Generosity

Photo by Youssef Naddam on Unsplash

We have been walking through 2 Corinthians in our small group the last few months. This past week, we were in the first half of chapter 8 where Paul encourages the Corinthians to finish taking up the collection for the church in Jerusalem. Paul gives the Corinthians two examples of generosity and sacrificial giving: the… Continue reading Wealth of Generosity

Advent and Nahum?

It’s advent season, and I’m teaching through the book of Nahum. I know. It’s weird, right? I didn’t particularly plan to teach through this book during advent, but things just happened that way. The even stranger thing is it has kind of made sense.  Nahum’s name means comfort, which dovetails nicely with advent, comforting Christmas… Continue reading Advent and Nahum?

Psalm 119: Assurances During a Pandemic

A month or so ago, our Sunday School class began studying Psalm 119. The last Sunday we were able to meet before the coronavirus mandate banning groups of 10 or more, we looked at two stanzas: verses 49-56 and 57-64. I hope these thoughts point you to God’s assurances during this pandemic. We all have… Continue reading Psalm 119: Assurances During a Pandemic